Located in Justin, Tex., the Northwest ISD (NISD) Aquatic Center is a multiuse facility that includes a 71-yard (65-meter) stretch competition pool, four-lane 25-yard (27.34-meter) practice pool, seating for 850 guests and a full-service sports medicine rehabilitation center. To improve the user experience and minimize acoustical issues that are common to indoor pools, pinta acoustic’s …
Register today to join us on July 7 at 12:00 pm EDT for a free Creative Acoustic Design continuing education webinar. Modern interior spaces often feature open areas and hard surfaces. What should be comfortable rooms in these spaces can become unpleasant from noise and echo or sound reverberation. This course discusses how melamine foam …
SONEX Online has many acoustic control products to help absorb sound and decreased noise within a room. To help determine the best solution to control sound on your space, it’s helpful to have a basic understanding of the related science. A good start is to understand the premise that sound is energy, and like all …
You realize you need a sound solution but aren’t sure where to start. Or perhaps you have started digging into the world of sound-absorbing solutions and are confused by some of the terms. It’s understandable, and Sonex™ Online is here to help. We’ve been in the business of creating sound-absorbing products for over 40 years …
Some people only think of acoustic foam in recording or music studios, which is certainly one primary use. However, Sonex™ sound-absorbing foam is used effectively in many applications. Whenever sound is a problem in a facility or space, Sonex™ acoustic foam offers a solution. Whether the goal is to decrease echo in a large open …
You realize you need a sound-absorbing solution in your office or studio but are not sure how to go about it. When you select Sonex™ acoustic foam panels, it couldn’t be simpler. Installation is a breeze, and you will be enjoying a better sound experience in your room in no time! You won’t even need …
When you are trying to choose a solution to improve the sound quality in a room, it seems everyone has an opinion on which is the best choice. Acoustic foam is often the first recommendation. Polyurethane foam, felt, and acoustic fiberglass are some examples of sound-absorbing material alternatives. While these materials are effective to some …