Office Sound Absorbing Panels, Ceiling Tiles and Baffles

SONEX office sound absorbing panels, ceiling tiles, ceiling clouds and baffles add distinction, value and outstanding acoustical control. We offer many easy-to-install, attractive acoustic product for offices, call centers, lobbies, conference and board rooms and more.
CONTOUR Basix Ceiling Tiles, HARMONI Ceiling Tiles, SQUARELINE Metal Ceiling Tiles, WHITELINE Ceiling Tiles are available for ceiling grid and adhesive applications. The COUNTOUR ceiling grid tiles have a backerboard that blocks sound, for soundproofing offices from adjacent areas. Tiles without a backerboard easily install using acouSTIC adhesive.
CONTOUR Basix, HARMONI and WHITELINE Ceiling Tiles are made from WILLTEC, open-cell, melamine foam and are Class 1 fire-rated according ASTM E 84 for flame spread and smoke density. SQUARELINE ceiling tiles can be installed with, or without a WHITELINE backer to add a sound control and a modern tech finish to any space.
WHISPERWAVE Panels, Baffles and Ceiling Clouds also provide exceptional acoustical control and design flexibility. Lightweight and easy to install, WHISPERWAVE products are ideal for use in lobbies, training rooms, large conference rooms and more.
Office and Public Buildings Showcase